Thursday, 6 November 2008

Photographic Techniques Landscapes

Name Of Photographer.

Ansel Adams

Names Of Influential Works

1. The Tetons and Snake River

2.Clearing Winter Storm

3. Old Faithful

4. Rain Beartrack Cove

Explain a few words the type and subject photography this person produces.

The type of how he done it was an effect which was all of his pictures are in black and white and some of his pictures looks fake. He takes pictures of rivers, mountains and roads. Every picture he does he makes it in to a landscape picture.

How does this work make you feel?

It makes me feel intrested about the picture because he does all his pictures are in black and white and he takes pictures of decent places of what ive never seen before.

Does this person work influence your own photography? How?

Yeah it does influence me because in the future I would like to take good pictures like he done and try to make effects out of it. My picture is very simular to this picture here becuase it is basicly the same! In Ansel's one you have a river and then the backround and in my picture it has a road with the county mall backround.

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